When you have a website you’re going to want to make sure it always works at its best, and stays up to date. This can be difficult, especially if you’re sharing your time writing great content and keeping up with your clients. Luckily there’s a way to take this stress away; get a support and maintenance contract in place! It’s the simplest way to keep your website running. Here’s why:
Support and Maintenance are great for site updates
Having a support and maintenance contract in place gives you the peace of mind that WordPress and Plugin updates are always done and your site is always in tip top shape. It can’t be stressed enough how important updates are to improve the security of your site for yourself and your clients.
WordPress is very easy to update and maintain; if you want to do this yourself that’s great, but what if a plugin update goes wrong? In these cases, your site may have unexpected side effects and you’ll need to speak to a developer or you might have to restore from a backup. This takes time out of your day where you could be working. With a support and maintenance contract in place the people who built the site (hopefully that’s us!) can make sure it stays in peak condition.
If the site wasn’t built by us (no hard feelings we promise) we can still help. If you need a one-off review or update run – give us a ring.
How do I change something in WordPress?
You’ve got your site, you’re happy updating it, it’s really all working great. But you now want to do “something” and you can’t work out how WordPress or your site lets you update this item. “Who are you gonna call?” I wouldn’t bother with the normal answer to that question, they’re useless!
If you have a support contract in place give them a ring. A good support offering should allow some friendly help to get things on the way. If you’re fortunate to have us helping out, our aim is to always educate on how to use your site – we never want to make it so you aren’t in control. Our teach first approach means you can be autonomous, make updates to your hearts content, but if you get stuck we’re here. Got a problem and not on a contract or your usual helpers not there? FreshStart are happy to have a quick chat to move thing forward.
I’ve been hacked! My websites stopped working! The worst has happened.
It happens, as heartbreaking and as terrible as it might seem you’re not the first person, and you certainly won’t be the last. But what do you do? You can try and fix yourself but with a support contract in place you just call, whoevers on the line is there to help you out.
In conclusion… Get a Support and Maintenance contract!
Whether you’re in control of your site or feel like you’re in over your head, having a support contract can offer peace of mind. It’s having one more person to ask for help or advice even if you can fix it yourself.
FreshStart would love to be that person you call when you need a hand. We can offer a variety of contracts for you. Why not consider buying support blocks from us? You can purchase 10, 15 or 20 hour blocks, then we keep track of what you ask and count down from there. No long-term commitment just a support buffer when you need it. Support costs £600 for 10 hours, but the peace of mind is priceless. Drop us a line to find out more.