Blogging is one of the most important factors of keeping your site and your clients informed. But keeping a blog updated can take time and inputs from multiple people; each one having their own way of creating a new story. This can be great, and be the melting pot of your companies ideas… Or not. If you’re in the not camp then you need a Blog Style Guide.
If you’ve gone to yours and felt like it’s a disjointed mess then maybe it’s time you got a blog style guide together, to make your content consistent. But how? And other than making it look better, is there another reason why?

Why you should have a Blog style guide
Let’s start off with the why to all of this. A style guide is key to ensuring that regardless of who’s involved that the content, images and broad structure all are consistent.
If your blog is fuelled by your employees making occasional musings, or you rely on freelancers or staff writers, a style guide is key. Other than style guides making things look great, they can also make the process of writing easier. For example, you have a small company and you know you need a blog. You ask everyone to contribute and write something. A style guide outlining the structure can make this step easy.
Outlining something as simple as:
- Opening Paragraph. Make sure it highlights the issue(s) or your point. Follow with an interesting visual to draw people in.
- Answers the question(s) outlined in the opening. If you haven’t asked a question then maybe consider rephrasing. People always Google questions looking for the answer.
- If you’ve got more than three answers add another image or a reference to break it up.
- Conclude with a summary, and guide them to get in touch, or guide them to the next part of the story.
(…if this structure feels familiar then thanks for reading FreshStart’s blog!)
Having this tick sheet can give the contributors something to aim for in their writing. At the end of the day content is what drives your site. Pair this with a great visual guide, outline headings, images and their tone of voice and you’ll be there in no time.
What Next?
Writing this blog there was just too much to say in one go. This blog is in two parts, this first part gives you the why, but what about the how? To find out read the next blog on How do I create a Blog guide? this will give you some suggestions on how to keep your blogs consistent.
As always Freshstart can help you create a class leading website, so if your blog style is in order but your site needs a refresh then get in touch!